Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top 10 Places to Sneak in a Workout

Top 10 Places to Sneak in a Workout

It seems this is the time of year to make a Top 10 list, so, for what it’s worth, here’s my list.

Top 10 Places to Sneak in a Workout

10. You know this one – the grocery store.
9. The doctor’s office. If you’re not there due to an illness, use the time after they bring you into the room to do some sit-ups, wall push-ups, squats or other leg work.
8. The car. You can do more if you’re a passenger, but even driving you can tighten and release your abs and buns – and don’t forget those Kegels.
7. The dentist’s office. While you get your teeth cleaned you can tighten your leg muscles and release. Same goes with your abs.
6. The dressing room while you shop. You can do a quick burst of just about anything in here, from jogging in place to squats to wall push-ups.
5. While we’re in shopping mode, don’t forget the mall. Do extra laps between stores or before and after you do your purchasing.
4. Volunteering at your child’s school. Tighten your buns when you walk, press your hands together in front of your chest or do any other subtle form of exercise you can think of.
3. The park. Play tag or other games with your kids. It’s a great workout and it’s fun!
2. Anywhere you are obligated to stand in line. Tighten and release muscles or do calf raises as you wait.
1. Your child’s sports practice. Walk up and down the sidelines, or recruit other moms to do lunges or work out with resistance bands. It’s a great way to get a long workout on a busy day –and a fantastic way to make new friends!

Fitness Me In Workout Series #11

Cardio Cooking

Here’s a recipe for you:
1 part dread
1 part anticipation
Mix well, and you’ve got a New Year’s Resolution.

If your resolution is to fit more fitness into your day, you’ve come to the right place.
If your goal, like mine, is to have more fun each day, you definitely want to keep checking back.
Make no mistake, the health impacts of not working out are serious business. A sedentary life contributes to a whole host of expensive health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity and all of its related issues.
But that doesn’t mean exercise needs to be a chore. Anything you do that gets your body moving counts – and that includes dancing like a maniac while you clean house or grabbing your curling (or flat) iron and rocking out like you used to do in high school.
In fact, exercising while doing other tasks makes a boring job fun. When I shake my booty during chores, cardio cooking or playing active games with my kids, I see it as a chance to set my inner dork free. The smile lasts for hours afterwards.
Before you read the recipe below, here’s some inspiration from some gals who’ve go the right idea. Have Fun! It’s on YouTube:

This week’s tasty Cardio Cooking recipe is from the National Diabetes Education Program.

Caribbean Red Snapper (serves 4)

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 cup chopped red pepper
1/2 cup carrots, cut in strips
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 cup dry white wine
3/4 lb. red snapper fillet
1 large tomato, chopped
2 tablespoons pitted ripe olives, chopped
2 tablespoons crumbled feta cheese or low-fat ricotta cheese

1. Gather and prep your ingredients while you dance, dance, dance.
2. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Continue your booty-licious dance.
3. Add onion, red pepper, carrot, and garlic; sauté 10 minutes. Meanwhile, as you stir with your right hand, slide your right foot up against your inner leg so it rests just below your knee. Now straighten your leg out, flexing your quadriceps muscles. Return your foot to the inner leg (calf area) Place a chair next to you for balance if needed. Do 3 sets of 15-20 on each leg.
4. Before you move that chair, do 3 sets of 10 calf raises, dancing for about 30 seconds in between sets. If you have time left over shake, shake, sake your booty.
5. Add wine and bring to boil. Push vegetables to one side of the pan.
6. Arrange fillets in a single layer in center of skillet. Cover; cook for 5 minutes. Meanwhile work those outer thighs with 3 sets of 20 side leg lifts. HOW TO DO THEM: Lift your leg straight out to the side until your foot is 6 to 12 inches off the floor. Slightly bend leg you are standing on and keep abs tight. At the top of the movement pause and count to 3. When finished adopt a “chair pose” with your legs by squatting partway down. Hold as long as you can.
7. Shake out those legs. Add tomato and olives. Top with cheese. Cover; cook 3 minutes, or until fish is firm but moist. Get into the groove the whole time.
8. Transfer fish to serving platter; garnish with vegetables and pan juices.

Nutrition Information: Serving size: 3 ounces red snapper with 1/4 cup vegetables, Calories: 193, Carbohydrate: 3 grams, Protein: 22 grams, Fat: 11 grams

Find more great recipes at

Shape-Up Shopping (Grocery Day)

Here’s a workout that keeps going between the store and home.
At the store:
1. Before you pick up any groceries, walk around the perimeter of the store for 2 minutes.
2. When you are halfway done shopping, walk up and down store aisles for 4 minutes.
3. When you have all of your groceries, walk around for another 4 minutes.
4. Now, when unloading your cart keep your abs squeezed tight.

In the car:
Remember those Kegel exercises you always forget? Now is a great time to do them.

At home:
1. Bring in only 2 bags at a time. Use bags of similar weight and do bicep curls with them as you walk them into the kitchen.
2. Once everything is inside, grab 2 canned goods and do shoulder presses for 1 full minute. HOW TO DO THEM: Take hold of your items with an overhand grip. Your elbows are bent and your hands are next to your shoulders, fingers facing forward. Press overhead until your arms are fully extended. Make sure to push the items you are holding up and in so that they touch at the finish position. Lower slowly under control and repeat.
3. Do squats while unloading two bags (keep the bag on the floor and squat to get item out of it). Unload one item at a time.
4. Now grab your cans and do triceps extensions for a full minute. HOW TO DO THEM: Stand with your hips shoulder width apart. Keep the knees slightly bent. Leaning forward slightly and keep those abs tight. Lift the elbows up so they are parallel to the floor and close to your side. Your elbow should form a 90-degree angle when holding the weight. Extend backward focusing on the contraction of the tricep muscle. Hold at the top before lowering.
5. Back to the squats while unloading more bags.
6. Grab your cans again and do lateral raises. HOW TO DO THEM: Grasp object in front of thighs. Bend over at hips slightly with knees bent. Also bend elbows slightly. Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows' height above or equal to wrists. Hold for a second and lower.
7. Do your last set of squats while unloading bags.
8. Find a wall, and do push-ups against it for a full minute.
9. Stretch, and you’re done!

Cleaning Day
Ready to dust again? I sure am! But why let this chore be boring. Crank some fun tunes and do the Calisthenics Circuit recommended by Fitness Magazine as you move around the house. It’s found at:

Play Day

It’s holiday break from school, and about this time my kids start acting a little stir crazy. There’s a simple way to get them reading or listening to a story while gaining some exercise. Read a book aloud, or listen to your child do it, and each time there is a verb, or “action word,” pause the reading and have everyone act the word out. Feel free to get silly – after all it’s supposed to be fun! If you want more cardio, jump or jog in place in between the words you’re acting out.

Groggy Day

Tough to get up after that New Year’s Eve bash? Try this morning workout to get yourself going again on New Year’s Day or any other day you need an extra energy boost. It’s on YouTube at

Monday, December 22, 2008

One small change can help you get skinny

Here it is: Quit eating MSG.
MSG may turn off leptin, a hormone that signals you’re full and regulates metabolism, according to a study published by the journal Obesity. So it’s no surprise the study found that MSG users were more likely to be overweight than not. Want to avoid it? On food labels look for “hydrolyzed protein” and “protein hydrolysates” as well as monosodium glutamate or MSG.
Other label ingredients to watch out for are: Glutamate, monopotassium glutamate, glutamic acid, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, yeast extract, yeast food, hydrolyzed corn gluten, gelatin, textured protein, yeast nutrient, autolyzed yeast and natrium glutamate.
Geez – talk about food that's not natural. Most of these don’t even come up on spell check!

Fitness Me In Workout Series #10

Cardio Cooking

My time was completely booked this week due to the holidays, so I really wanted something healthy to eat. That means - you guessed it - veggies! That's why I made an Italian dish.
No, you did not read that incorrectly. For some reason, many Americans associate Italian cooking only with pasta. The reality is that vegetables are an integral part of cooking in many regions of Italy. Here’s a recipe for one of the more famous dishes, Ratatouille, from Toscanos Café and Wine Bar in Puyallup, WA. The restaurant hosts cooking classes that feature many healthy and delicious recipes, such as this one.


½ cup sliced green and red peppers (cut small)
½ cup sliced carrots
½ cup sliced zucchini
1 small head broccoli, sliced (best with flat edges)
1 small onion, sliced
1 small eggplant, diced
3 small potatoes, boiled, cooled and sliced
½ cup crushed tomatoes
Salt and pepper
¼ cup olive oil


1. Gather and prep your ingredients as you groove out to great tunes.
2. Heat olive oil in large frying pan. Add carrots, peppers and eggplant. Sauté on high heat until vegetables begin to brown. As you stir, use a soup can or hand weight to do bicep curls with the other hand. Do as many as you can and switch hands. Squat down very slightly each time you release your arm, and come up as you curl. Squeeze those butt cheeks together at the top of the movement.
3. Add onions and broccoli, cook until begin to brown. Stand with legs wide apart and do Hula-Hoop circles one way.
4. Add cooled, sliced potatoes along with zucchini. Do hulas in the other direction.
5. Pour in crushed tomatoes, salt, pepper and a little water. You can deglaze now too if desired. Cover and simmer until vegetables are tender and all flavors have blended together. Stir infrequently. Repeat on set of bicep curls on each side along with the small squats.
6. Do walking lunges as you move to and from the table to set it. Stretch and enjoy your healthy cooking!

NOTE: I served this last with a roasted chicken.

Shape-Up Shopping (Grocery Day)

Here’s a workout you can do in the grocery store while you shop for all of those holiday recipe ingredients you need.

1. Walk for 4 minutes.
2. Now stop and look at something interesting while you work your chest with 2 isometric contractions. HOW TO DO THEM: Press your palms together in front of you. Hold for 10-15 seconds and release.
3. Walk down 3 aisles with abs pulled in tight (don’t forget to breathe).
4. Grab a can of food from your cart or the shelf. Hold it straight out in front of you, arm at shoulder height, as you walk down an aisle, pushing the cart with your other arm.
5. Repeat with the other arm.
6. Walk down 3 aisles with tight buns.
7. Do 2 more isometric contractions.
8. Walk down 3 more aisles, and then modify steps 4 and 5 so you are lowering the arm halfway down and raising it to shoulder height as you walk.
9. Walk the store perimeter, then do 2 isometric contractions followed by a repeat of step 8.
10. Pat yourself on the back for all of the multitasking you just did: You worked your abs, upper and lower body at the same time you shopped!

Play Day

I don’t know about you, but this week I needed a break from holiday cheer for a while. That’s why I took my kids on a dragon hunt. Here’s how to do it, according to
1. Set out on a dragon hunt: Stand together have your kids repeat after you as you chant words and perform actions. For example:
I woke up in the morning - stretch -
I decided to find a dragon - show claws and teeth -
I ate a hearty breakfast - eat -
And headed out the door - march -
I walked through the tall grass - push aside tall grass -
I squished through the mud, etc.
Add whatever adventures you and your kids would like.

2. Flee the dragon: When you encounter the dragon in its cave, run home by retracing your steps in reverse order at a much faster pace.

For more information on this activity and other ideas, see

Groggy Day

With all of the holiday shopping, cooking, cold-weather school closures, winterizing headaches and other curves life throws at us this time of year it’s easy to get exhausted and stressed. Here are two helpful workouts – one to energize and one to relieve stress – featured in Fitness magazine. Follow the links below:

To energize:

To alleviate stress:

Cleaning Day

Let’s get that kitchen cleaned up.
1. Dance as you clear and scrub the counters, then do as many biceps lifts as you can. HOW TO DO THEM: Reach under the counter. Put your palms against the underside and pretend you are lifting it off the floor. Hold for 10-15 seconds.
2. Got dishes? Scrub them up while you keep movin that body. Then do as many wall push-ups as you can.
3. Now it’s time for the floor. Forget the mop and do “squat and scrubs.” HOW TO DO THEM: Squat down with a cloth, scrub the area around you with your right hand and then your left. Stand up and squeeze your bum as tight as you can. Take a step forward or to the side and repeat. Keep going till your floor is all done.

Legal junk/Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice or care of medical professionals. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, or exercise program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Fitness Me In Workout Series #9

Cardio Cooking

This recipe comes from Iceland, which has one of the lowest rates of depression in the world despite the long, dark, cold days. In the U.S., the lifetime risk of experiencing depression is 20 percent in women and 12 percent in men. Icelanders also have half the death rate from heart disease and diabetes, lower obesity rates and greater life expectancy than North Americans, according to Daphne Miller, M.D., and author of “The Jungle Effect,” which discusses the healthiest diets around the world.
Here is a great Icelandic dinner from the book courtesy of Miller.

Sweet and Sour Cabbage

1 small red cabbage, sliced into thin strips
1 apple, peeled, cored and diced
1 cup blueberry, bilberry or other deep-colored, unsweetened juice
2-3 tablespoons red wine or apple cider vinegar
3 whole cloves or ½ t ground cloves
1 T butter
Sugar or honey and salt to taste

1. Get your body moving to some fun tunes as you prep and assemble your ingredients.
2. Place cabbage and apple in medium saucepan. Stir in juice, vinegar and cloves. As you do so, do 20 side leg lifts on each side. HOW TO DO THEM: Lift your leg straight out to the side until your foot is 6 to 12 inches off the floor. Slightly bend leg you are standing on and keep abs tight. At the top of the movement pause and count to 3.
3. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer on low for 45 minutes, stirring every so often. You can cook this longer if you prefer it to be softer. Now work your inner and outer thighs some more with 2 o’clock lunges. Do 2 sets of 10 on each leg. You can find instructions on how to do them on You Tube at:
4. Now it’s time to shake that booty again and get started on the fish recipe below
5. When the 45 minutes are done, add butter, allow it to melt, and then stir into cabbage mixture. Add salt/sugar as desired. Serve hot with Fish and Potato Mash (below).
NOTE: The next day leftovers are excellent on a sandwich.

Fish and Potato Mash (Stappa)

1 pound white fish (like cod or sole)
1 pound waxy potatoes with skin on (such as fingerling), cut into 1- to 2-inch chunks
1 cup warm milk (more or less as needed)
1 T butter or cream (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
Chives or parsley for garnish

1. Prep and assemble your ingredients as you shake that booty.
2. Cook fish 3-5 minutes in a pot of boiling water until the fish becomes flaky. As your fish boil, step back from the stove and do squats. Try for at least 3 sets of 10. In between sets don’t forget to dance to keep that heart rate up.
3. Remove fish with a slotted spoon and drain, and put potatoes in same boiling water to cook until soft. Flake the fish with a fork, making sure to remove any bones (the skin is full of omega-3s but if you find it unappetizing remove it as well). Keep on dancing as you do this.
4. As you cook the potatoes (about 20 minutes), go back to those 10 and 2 o’clock lunges. Try for another 2 sets of 10. Shake your legs out for a minute, then do the following:
a. Soccer kicks (20 each leg) HOW TO DO THEM: Flex your foot so sole it is parallel to the floor. Turn your toe out. Move leg forward as if kicking a soccer ball. Hold 3 seconds. Repeat. You’ll feel this on the inner thigh.
b. Side leg lifts (20 each leg)
c. Rear leg lifts (20 each leg) HOW TO DO THEM: extend your leg straight back behind you, keeping your knee straight and your toes pointed down to the floor. Squeeze your buttocks as you lift. Pause at the top for count of 3 before returning leg to the floor
d. Repeat sequence of soccer kicks and side and rear lifts if possible
5. Now is a good time to set the table. Keep that body moving as you do so. Take a stretch break before finishing up with the cooking.
6. Drain water from potatoes. Add flaked white fish, milk, and butter or cream and mash to desired texture. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot scooped over Sweet and Sour Cabbage (using an ice cream scoop makes this look nice). Top with chives or parsley. Keep dancing slowly to cool down.

Note: Miller says this is a good way to introduce fish to a “fish hater.”

Shape-Up Shopping (Grocery Day)

We’ve actually got snow where I live, so I completely understand not wanting to walk extra outside where it is cold and slippery. Instead, work in a workout at the grocery store where it is warm and safe. I like to do this either with a full cart or halfway through my shopping.
Here’s how:

1. Do 5 laps around perimeter of the store. For the last 2 laps, keep abs pulled in as tight as possible. Don’t forget to breathe.
2. Do walking butt crunches down one aisle. HOW TO DO THEM: With each step, drag your rear toe on the floor behind you, tightening butt as toe points. Go very slowly.
3. Walk down 4 more aisles.
5. Repeat butt crunches.
6. Walk for 2 minutes.
7. Find another aisle with no traffic. Squat down and look at something. Stand tightening your butt at the top, take a few steps and repeat. Make your way down the aisle, and try to do at least 10. TIP: You can always leave the aisle if someone comes down it and resume in another location.
8. Walk for 2 minutes.
9. Head for the cashier. During checkout tighten and release your abs as you unload your cart.

At a glance:
5 laps around perimeter, with abs tight for 2 laps
Walking butt crunches
Walk 4 aisles
Repeat butt crunches
Walk 2 minutes
10 squats
Walk 2 minutes
Abs at cash register

Cleaning Day
Who doesn’t have a bit of laundry piling up this time of year? If you don’t please email me your secret! This is the chore I like the least, so I make it fun and active to compensate. Here’s an arm workout:
1. Dance as you fill your laundry basket with clean clothes. Now take the basket and do as many bicep curls as you can. This works best if you have a round basket. If rectangular you want to hold it on the narrow sides (so your arms are not out wide). If the basket is too heavy you can remove some of the clothing.
2. Tap your toes side to side as you fold about half of the laundry.
3. Do another set of bicep curls
4. Tap your toes to the front as you fold the rest of this basket.
5. Do one more set bicep curls with the empty basket.
6. Now lift the basket out to the side with one arm. If it’s too easy with the empty basket place some of the clothes back in it. Repeat on the other arm.
7. Briskly walk your laundry to the room it will be put away in. Put it down and do a set of wall push-ups. Keep your booty shakin as you put about half the laundry away. Repeat the wall push-ups. Put remaining laundry away, and do your final set of wall push-ups.
8. Reach around and pat yourself on the back for being such a great multitasker!

Play Day

I liked the State of Missouri Department of Health energizers so much that I’m posting another one. You can find more ideas at

This activity, called “California Dreamin,” takes you on a virtual tour of California. Here’s what to do:
1. March across the Golden Gate Bridge
2. Surf in the Pacific Ocean
3. Climb up a Redwood Tree
4. Pretend you are an actor and wave to all your fans
5. Flex your muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Governor
6. Stomp the grapes
7. Pick oranges
8. In line skate on the boardwalk
9. Ski on the Sierra Nevadas
10. Climb Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the continental U.S.
11. Crawl through the Death Valley Desert
12. Hit a homerun at Pac-Bell Park
13. Shoot a foul shot at the Staples Center

Groggy Day

OK, there’s not enough time in the day – especially with the rapid approach of the holidays. So we need to work out smarter and more efficiently. Keeping the core strong is vital to protecting the back and preventing injuries. According to an American Council on Exercise study, the bicycle exercise is the best move to target that abdominal “six pack” and the obliques at the same time.
To do this exercise correctly:
1. Lie face up on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head.
2. Bring the knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the ground without pulling on the neck.
3. Straighten the left leg out while simultaneously turning the upper body to the right, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee. Exhale as you do this.
4. Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee.
5. Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion.
NOTE: With this one, it’s quality, not quantity that counts, so move slowly and really feel these exercises as you do them.

Two yoga exercises are a great compliment to the bicycle:
1. Plank pose (see for instructions different levels of difficulty)
2. Boat pose (see

For the full ACE study, see

Legal junk/Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice or care of medical professionals. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, or exercise program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Feeling frazzled? Experts say exercise will help

Exercise nourishes your body, mind and spirit.
We all covet a toned, sculpted body with strong bones, muscles and joints. We all desire reduced risk for conditions that speed aging, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and colon and ovarian cancers.
Here’s something else: when we exercise we are more mentally fit.
“The connections in the brain fire at a much more rapid rate in individuals who are physically fit than in those who are not,” notes David K. Spierer, Ed.D, assistant professor in the Division of Sports Sciences at Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus. He's also the author of "Get Firefighter Fit."
Regular exercise reduces depression, anxiety and stress (which speeds aging by damaging your DNA). It also fills emotional needs because it’s time away for yourself from family and work responsibilities.
It’s so important, in fact, that doctors are actually beginning to write prescriptions for it, Spierer says.
Maybe that’s what we need. Women tend to put their responsibility to others in front of their responsibility to themselves, says mother of three Rosemary Peterson, MD, director of the St. Joseph Heart and Vascular Center.
Does that mean you need to join a gym, sign up for a marathon or upend your entire life?
Nope. Turns out we all just need to listen to that song my kids keep playing over and over -- Sacha Baron Cohen’s “I Like to Move It” from the Madagascar soundtrack (sorry, it’s stuck in my head too). Exercise is effective even if you only do it in 10 minute chunks.
Next time you hesitate to work in a workout, keep this in mind:
“The philosophy of aging that I believe is absolutely true is we don’t quit playing because we get old, we grow old because we quit playing,” said orthopedic surgeon Joshua Johnston, MD, with Franciscan Medical Group at a recent women’s health festival in Tacoma, WA.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fitness Me In Workout Series # 8

Cardio Cooking

The busy holidays are upon us. That often means less time to work out, despite our desire to look hot at those holiday parties. Here’s a workout that targets trouble spots along with a quick, healthy and easy recipe your kids will love. The recipe is courtesy of the Meal Makeover Moms ( It makes 6 servings.

Chicken Pot Pie Bundles

• 2 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided
• 2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into 1/4″-inch pieces (about 1 cup)
• 1 small onion, finely chopped (about 1/2 cup)
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
• 2 teaspoons chopped fresh tarragon
• 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
• Pinch of black pepper
• 1 cup all-natural chicken broth
• 4 teaspoons cornstarch
• 3/4 cup frozen petite peas, thawed
• 3/4 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed
• 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
• 12 egg roll wraps (NOT the smaller wonton wrappers)

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Shake your booty to some groovin’ music as you assemble your ingredients. Also, in a bowl, whisk together the chicken broth and cornstarch until well combined.
2. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the carrots and onion and cook, stirring frequently, until the vegetables soften, about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, do some plie squats. Try for 3 sets of 10-16 reps, shaking your legs or dancing in between for 30 seconds. HOW TO DO THEM: place feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and point toes out. Squat and hold before coming up.
3. Add 1 more tablespoon of oil and the garlic, and cook 1 minute more and keep your hips shaking.
4. Add the chicken, tarragon, salt, and pepper. Cook until the chicken is no longer pink, about 5 minutes. Meanwhile work those outer thighs with side leg lifts. Try for 3 sets of 10-16 reps with the dance breaks in between. HOW TO DO THEM: Extend one leg out to the side, holding at the top for a count of 3. Start with feet hip width apart and knee of supporting leg slightly bent.
5. Add chicken broth/cornstarch mix to the skillet, along with the peas and corn, and bring to a simmer, stirring constantly. Continue to simmer and stir gently until the sauce thickens, about 2 minutes. Keep on dancing through the end of step 6.
6. To prepare the bundles, use a nonstick muffin pan with 12 medium-size cups. Gently place 1 egg roll wrapper into each cup, letting it extend over the sides. Place a generous 1/4 cup of the chicken mixture into each wrapper. Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese evenly on top. Bring the corners up and over the top of the filling, pressing and folding to seal the edges together (it doesn’t have to be perfect!). Brush the remaining oil on top of each bundle.
7. Bake until golden, about 15 minutes. Let cool 5 to 10 minutes before serving. Meanwhile, do standing circles. HOW TO DO THEM: Grab a kitchen towel, place your hands at either end of it and raise it over your head. With feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent, tighten your abs and slowly draw a circle over your head (keeping towel held taught overhead). Then circle the other direction. Make sure the movement comes from your upper body, not your hips. This strengthens your abs and the sides of your back. Do 8 reps in each direction.
8. Keep those dancing shoes on as you set the table, then give yourself a nice stretch and a pat on the back for being such an excellent multitasking mom!

Nutrition Information per Serving (2 bundles): 380 calories, 9g fat (2g saturated), 650mg sodium, 48g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, 24g protein, 80% vitamin A, 20% iron

Check out the original recipe at

Grocery Day

Let’s bump up that cardio today. I’m not a fan of the cold and wet, so I did this inside the store. This can easily be done in a department store as well. For exercise No. 6 you’ll want a coat or long shirt on.
1. In lieu of a cart, grab one of those carry around baskets (we’ll get to the cart later, so don’t worry if you’re getting lots of stuff). Walk around the perimeter of the store for 4 minutes.
2. Grab the first couple of items on your list. Then walk up and down each aisle of the store (this is a good way to find sales you didn’t know about too). Each time you hit a vacant aisle, pick up the pace.
3. Now swap the basket for a cart. Walk around and grab a couple more items on your list. Then do walking calf raises down one aisle. Walk normally down another aisle, then repeat. HOW TO DO THEM: Each time you take a step raise up onto your calf. It’s good to do this one holding onto a grocery cart as you go (just for balance, don’t put any weight on it).
4. Walk around and do some more shopping. Each time you come to a new aisle, tighten your abs until you are halfway down it.
5. When you are finished loading your cart, do 1-2 more laps around the perimeter of the store.
6. In the grocery line, tighten your bum for counts of 20 until it’s your turn (or even while your groceries are being scanned).

1. Walk for 4 minutes
2. Speed walk down vacant aisles
3. Walking calf raises
4. Tighten abs for half of each aisle you enter
5. Walk store perimeter
6. Butt crunches at checkout

Play Day

Here’s a fun exercise you can do with your kids to get them into the holiday spirit from the State of Missouri Department of Health. You can find more ideas at

Act out the following fitness song using the tune for “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Sing, ““On the first day of fitness, my trainer (or mommy) gave to me…”
It’s a good idea to write these on a piece of construction or notebook paper and tape it up prior to starting to help keep track.
Here are the items:
12 jumping jacks
11 raise the roofs (squat and stand raising arms)
10 knee lifts
9 side stretches
8 jogs in place
7 jabs/punches
6 kicks to the front
5 hula hoops
4 jumping ropes (imaginary rope)
3 muscle poses
2 scissors (feet apart then cross in front, feet apart
then cross in back)
1 stork stand (balance on one foot)

Cleaning Day

We’re back to mopping that floor. I don’t know about you, but mine seems to get sticky about 5 minutes after I’m done with this chore. To cut down on that frustration I try and make it a fun task.
1. All right – you know the drill. Get those tunes going and shake it as you get your supplies ready. Get a little crazy with your dancing as you mop the first area on your floor.
2. Now as you mop squat and hold for as long as you can, making sure you keep your abs tight and back straight. Stand, step back, and repeat as you clean a new area. Try for 3-6 sets.
3. Now we’ll pick up the pace and intensity with those squats. Squat, then come up and lift your right leg out to the side. Hold the mop in your left hand and mop to the side as you squat. Do 8-12 of these and then switch sides. Repeat.
4. Now let’s do some abs. Hold the mop with both hands in front of you so it’s in line with your belly button. Stand with feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent. Rotate your torso to one side, then the other. Repeat. That’s one rep. Take a step back and repeat. Do 10 reps with the steps in between.
5. Go back to dancing and finish up.

NOTE: I rewet and twist out my mop in between each exercise.

Here’s a little inspiration from YouTube:

Groggy Day

Here’s a video from You Tube that you can use to pick up your energy level:

Legal junk/Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice or care of medical professionals. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, or exercise program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How to ramp up your exercise routine

I just got one of the best compliments of my life. Rachel in Renton told me that she was inspired to join a gym after trying a few weeks of my Fitness Me In grocery store and cardio cooking exercise routines. I’m so excited about her healthy lifestyle change!
I hope I’ve managed to inspire others as well. If so, I have some advice from David K. Spierer, Ed.D, co-author of “Get Firefighter Fit,” and assistant professor in the Division of Sports Sciences at Long Island University’s Brooklyn Campus.

He says an intelligent progression of exercise has three keys:

1. Consistency. “Be consistent with your exercise, whether you’re doing the elliptical trainer or walking outside. If it’s not consistent then you can throw it out of the window,” Spierer says. “All of the benefits …don’t come into play unless it’s consistent.”
2. Duration. Once you’ve added exercise to your to-do list, increase the minutes in exercise sessions by 10 percent each week until you max out on available time.
3. Intensity. “Once you get to that ceiling of time, then work on intensity,” Spierer says. For example if you have been walking for 20 minutes a day, pop in some jogging intervals.

I get to the gym as much as possible, and I'm following his advice as I get my foot healed and back up to speed. On the days I cannot make it you know what I'm doing in the grocery store or in front of my stove (if not see this week's Fitness Me In Workout below)!

Here Are Some Healthy Beauty Secrets

With those holiday parties coming up, I thought you might like a couple of tips for glowing beauty from within.
Sarah Merson, author of "The Top 100 Foods For a Younger You" and a mom of three, believes the Green Garden Cocktail is amongst the single most important recipe in her book that moms can use to remain youthful.
“It's a fabulous detoxifier, which leaves the skin glowing and also promotes overall elasticity of the skin. It also gives boundless energy which is a true characteristic of youth,” Merson says.
She has a way to sneak some veggies into your kids, too.
“As a fellow mum, I'd have to add in that the Carrot Beauty Juice is a quick and easy recipe to start each day with -- and the kids love it too,” Merson says. “Apart from anything else, it's a great way to get them to eat their vegetables or fruit without really realizing it.”

Here are the recipes:

Green Garden Cocktail
1 tray fresh wheatgrass
2 celery stalks
Handful of parsley
Masticating juicer
To harvest wheatgrass, grasp a small bundle of blades firmly and cut them off above the compost level. Rinse all ingredients in cold water and feed them into the juicer. Repeat with 2-3 more wheatgrass bundles. Drink about 2 tablespoonfuls each day on an empty stomach.

Carrot Beauty Juice
4 cucumbers
4 parsnips
8-12 carrots, scrubbed with tops removed
2 lemons, peeled
1 green bell pepper
Cut cucumber and parsnips lengthwise and feed through a juicer. Follow with other ingredients. Pour into a glass and serve.

A Great Family Activity - Volunteering

Tis the season of giving, but if your family is like mine you are feeling the financial crunch.
No worries - giving of your time is especially important this year because volunteer organizations are feeling the pinch, too.
You can even work in a workout with some of the volunteer activities!
For example, you can get out, tromp around and become "frog watchers." That means you collect information about the frog and toad populations in your neighborhood for Frogwatch USA which uses the information to learn more about the diversity of frog and toad populations and to emphasize the importance of protecting wetland habitats.
There are, of course, other reasons to volunteer. Volunteering with your kids strengthens your bonds with them as well as your family's ties with the community.
I didn't know this until recently, but there are actually lots of ways you can volunteer from home.

Here are a couple of ideas:

1. Pick up litter at a park, shoreline, mountain, river, beach or wilderness area. Take a few digital photographs of what you've picked up. Have your family e-mail an essay about your experience along with your favorite digital photo, your names, age(s) and address to Your essay will be published on the Web site, your children's names will appear in the Registry of Apprentice Ecologists and you will get an official certificate. Go to

2. Help animals by baking dog biscuits, making cat toys or donating blankets. Go to

3. Make cards for other children, their parents or their siblings who are going through a difficult period in their lives. Go to

For more ideas, go to:

For more info on the reasons to volunteer with your family, see my article in The Olympian newspaper,

Monday, December 1, 2008

Here's one of the best ways to avoid the flu

It seems there is a week for everything, but this is a good one. Dec. 7-13 is National Hand-Washing Awareness Week.
Not ironically, this overlaps with the Centers for Disease Control's recently announced National Influenza Vaccination Week (Dec. 8-14).
This seems silly to some, but washing your hands is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infection.
We all THINK we know how to wash hands, but there's actually a proper way to do it -- and not everyone does it right, according to News.
If nothing else, you might want to remind your kids on the proper techniques. I know my boys need daily monitoring! Here are the instructions:
1. Wet your hands with clean running water and apply soap. Use warm water if it is available.
2. Rub hands together, making a lather, and scrub for 15-20 seconds (imagine singing "Happy Birthday" two times).
3. Rinse hands well under running water.
4. Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet. NOTE: I'm one of those paranoid people who also uses the towel to open the door if I'm in a public restroom.

If soap and clean water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub, AKA sanitizer.
There's a right way to do this too, says Thurston County Health Officer Diana Yu.
First, use sanitizer on visibly clean hands. Otherwise the grit and dirt trap the nasty stuff you want to get rid of.
Also, you need to use a good-sized glob, wet the entire hand and let it air dry.
“If you wipe it on your shirt or a towel you have messed it up,” Yu says. “There’s actually a correct way to use hand sanitizer. The evaporation of alcohol kills the bugs on your hand.”

Here's some more information on flu shots as well as the vaccinations we need as adults in an article I wrote for The Olympian newspaper:

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fitness Me In Workout Series #7

Week 7

Cardio Cooking

Another busy mom day has left you with no workout -- and now it’s time to cook dinner.
Here’s the solution: Grab the remaining leftovers from Thanksgiving and make this Turkey Chili recipe from the Mayo Clinic.

2 cups chopped zucchini
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 cup chopped onion
2 cups chopped celery
1 cup chopped bell peppers
2 teaspoons chopped fresh garlic
1 pound chopped cooked turkey
1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon cumin seed
2 cups diced canned tomatoes, no-salt-added variety
4 cups canned kidney beans, rinsed and drained
2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
1 teaspoon brown sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 475 F and gather and prep your ingredients. Dance to some upbeat holiday tunes – or whatever else strikes your fancy.
2. Spray a glass baking dish with cooking spray. Arrange the zucchini in a single layer in the baking dish. Roast for 8 to 10 minutes until slightly tender and lightly browned.
3. While the zucchini is roasting, add the oil and chopped onions to a dutch oven or soup pot. Sauté over low heat until the onions are browned. Meanwhile grab a hand weight or soup can and do 15 bicep curls on the left, then the right (leaving second hand free to stir).
4. Add the celery and peppers and continue to sauté. Do 15 more bicep curls on each side, but this time squat about halfway down each time you do a curl (this works upper and lower body at the same time).
5. Add garlic, turkey, chili powder and cumin seed. Cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. Now’s your chance to do some lunges. Try for at least 20 on each side. HOW TO DO THEM: Stand with feet together. If you can, hold your weights or soup cans. Move forward into a lunge position (Land on heel first and end with front knee and back knee at 90 degree angles. Make sure your front knee does not bend past your toes). With your weight in your heels, push back up to starting position.
6. Next, dance as you stir in the tomatoes, kidney beans, vegetable broth, brown sugar and the roasted zucchini.
7. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes before serving. Meanwhile do 2-3 sets of tricep kickbacks. HOW TO DO THEM: Hold a weight or soup can in each hand and bend over until your torso is at a 45-degree angle or parallel to the floor. Keep abs tight to protect the lower back and slightly bend knees. Bend your the arms and pull the elbows up to torso level. Now, straighten the arms out behind you, squeezing the triceps muscles. Hold at the top for count of 3 before returning arms to starting position. Rest or dance for 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets.
8. Get back to that booty shake as you set the table.

You can find more healthy recipes at the Mayo Clinic’s Healthy Recipe Center,

Grocery Day

Here’s a workout that you can do in the grocery store this week to tone some of the spots all that turkey and stuffing went into. You’ll want to wear a long shirt or coat.

1. Walk around the store for 3 minutes
2. Find a deserted aisle and go down it. Each time you take a step lift your knee so the thigh is parallel to the floor, contracting your abs as you do so.
3. Walk for 2 minutes, and then repeat the ab exercise above.
4. Now stop to read a label, slowly tightening and releasing your butt 30 times.
5. Walk for 2 minutes.
6. Stop in another spot and very slowly do 10 side leg lifts on each side. Hold at top position for counts of five.
7. Walk for 2 minutes, and then repeat the butt tightening exercise (you can even do this in the checkout line – thanks to that long shirt no one will know).
8. As you pay for your groceries, keep your abs pulled in tight the whole time.
9. Go home and have a great day!

1. Walk 3 minutes
2. Knee lifts with tight abs
3. Walk 2 minutes
4. Knee lifts with tight abs
5. Butt crunches
6. Walk 2 minutes
7. Slow side leg lifts - 10 each leg
8. Walk 2 minutes
9. Butt crunches
10. Tighten abs at checkout

Cleaning Day

It’s time to catch up on that darn laundry again – but at least you can tone your thighs while you’re at it.
1. Warm up by walking around your house for 2 minutes, grabbing your laundry that needs to be folded en route.
2. Set yourself up so you can do a wall sit as you fold some of the laundry (I like to scoot my dining table close to the wall). HOW TO DO THEM: Place your upper back against a smooth wall. With feet shoulder width apart, lean back against the wall, inhale and slowly lower into a squat position while sliding down the wall. Keep abs tight. Hold as long as you can before coming up. Shake your legs out, and then repeat. Do 3-4 sets.
3. Now walk or jog the folded laundry to its proper place(s).
4. This time as you fold, do side leg lifts. Try for 20-30 on each leg. HOW TO DO THEM: For the side lifts, lift your leg straight out to the side until your foot is 6 to 12 inches off the floor. Slightly bend leg you are standing on and keep abs tight. At the top of the movement pause and count to 3. Return the leg to the floor.
5. This time as you bring the laundry to its destination(s), walk sideways like a sumo wrestler. HOW TO DO THEM: Start with feet together, and take a step sideways to the right, ending in a squat with feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Transfer your weight to the right foot and stand up. Continue walking sideways in this manner. Lead with the left leg on the way back.
6. If you’ve got more laundry to fold, do calf raises while finishing the chore.
7. Then walk or jog the laundry to where it goes, stretch your legs and feel the tone in your thighs!

Play Day

It’s fun to be a goofball and exercise with your kids. Today, you’ll play mirror. Stand facing your child(ren) and pick one person to be the “looker.” The rest are mirrors who mimic the looker’s actions as if they are the image in the mirror. Turn on some upbeat music and have fun with this one! If your kids are like mine, they’ll have you jumping around and doing all sorts of crazy things!

Groggy Day

Don’t have lots of energy? That’s OK. Here’s a Pilates routine for flexibility on YouTube that’ll make you feel much more focused and centered:

Legal junk/Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice or care of medical professionals. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, or exercise program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Fitness Me In Workout Series #6

Grocery Day

It is too, too cold to park far away from all of the stores, so here’s another workout you can do inside. This could even work in the Mall on Black Friday. You will need to wear a long shirt or light coat that covers your butt, however.

1. Pull out your cell phone to time yourself.
2. Walk for 2-4 minutes.
3. Stop and grab something with a label you want to read, or peruse the sale rack if at the mall. Suck in you abs and tighten your butt cheeks 20-30 times.
4. Walk for 2-4 minutes
5. Repeat the ab and butt tightening exercise 20-30 times.
6. Walk for 2-4 minutes
7. Look at something on a top shelf while doing calf raises 10-20 times (good to do in a dressing room too). I like to do them very slowly. Go to another location – repeat.
8. Walk for 2-4 minutes.
9. Go to the checkout line. Squeeze your butt and suck in your abs for counts of 20, releasing slowly.

At a glance:
Walk 2-4 min
Tighten abs and butt 20-30 times
Walk 2-4 min
Tighten abs and butt 20-30 times
Walk 2-4 min
10-20 calf raises, walk to a new location, repeat
Walk 2-4 min
Slow butt and ab squeezes for counts of 20 in line

Cardio Cooking

The day has gone by, and now it’s time to cook dinner with no workout in sight.
Here’s the solution: Cardio Cooking and a quick, easy recipe from Deborah Kesten MPH, health researcher, educator, writer, author and Certified Wellness Coach. See her Web site at


It’s easy to make your meals abundant with beans and vegetables—without making a salad, or wondering what to do with the beans. Try this tasty medley of fresh veggies as a sandwich.

2 slices multi-grain bread or whole wheat bread, toasted
2-4 tablespoons Hummus (garbanzo bean) spread (sold in containers in most markets)
1 tablespoon mustard
Handful of salad greens, chopped coarsely
1 thin slice of red onion
2 thin slices of tomato
2 slices ripe avocado
2 thin slices cucumber
1 small roasted red pepper (sold in glass jars in the condiments section in most markets)
1 slice Provolone cheese (available sliced fresh from deli section in many markets)
Sliced jalapenos
Chopped olives
NOTE: I love this recipe as is, but also plan on adding some of my leftover turkey for a holiday-after meal.

1. Prep your veggies. Take the opportunity to dance and get that heart rate up.
2. Toast the bread to bring out its natural sweetness, and to better hold sandwich ingredients together. While waiting, do push-ups against the wall.
3. Spread hummus on one slice of bread; spread the mustard on the second slice. As you do this, pull in your abs and squat about halfway. Come up and squeeze your tush. Pulse up and down 20 times.
4. On the slice with hummus, add the greens, red onion, tomato, avocado, cucumber, roasted red peppers, and Provolone cheese. Do rear leg lifts as you assemble. HOW TO DO THEM: For the side lifts, lift your leg straight out to the side until your foot is 6 to 12 inches off the floor. Slightly bend leg you are standing on and keep abs tight. At the top of the movement pause and count to 3.
5. Place the bread spread with mustard on top of the sandwich filling. Gently press down to “hold” ingredients in place. Do walking lunges as you set the table, then stretch and enjoy! On the lunges, try for at least 8 reps each time. HOW TO DO THEM: For proper form, view these instructions on YouTube,

Try an open faced version:
Toast one piece of your favorite whole grain bread. Mash some beans from a can and blend with mustard. Stack any veggies you have on hand, such as greens, tomato, and onion, on the toast. Add a slice of cheese if it’s available.

Play Day

Here’s a fun game from the East Carolina University Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences that you can play to get your heart rate up.
Act out each sentence with your kids for 30 seconds to 1 minute:
1. Jog in place as if a big scary bear is chasing you.
2. Walk forwards as if you’re slogging through chocolate pudding.
3. Jump in place as if you are popcorn popping.
4. Reach up as if grabbing balloons out of the air.
5. March in place and play the drums as if you are in a marching band.
6. Paint as if the paint brush is attached to your head.
7. Swim as if you are in a giant pool of Jell-O.
8. Move your feet on the floor as if you are ice skating.
9. Shake your body as if you are a wet dog.
10. Now have your kids create some of their own sentences!
Find more ideas on the ECU Web site,

Groggy Day

I don’t know about you, but I’m already worn out from all of the Thanksgiving prep (yes, I am hosting for 30 people this year). Here are two options to get the kinks out and give some much-needed energy at the beginning of the day:
If you don’t even feel like you can get out of bed, then don! Try this Yoga in bed routine found on You Tube:
If you want a bit more, or you’re already up and about, dragging your body around, try this one from beYOUtv:

Cleaning Day

I don’t know about you, but my windows need to be washed before my holiday guests arrive. Unfortunately I cannot do them too far ahead or it will be wasted effort. For some reason my kids like to put hands, faces, tongues, Play-Doh, gum, glue, soap and lots of other things I won’t bother to list on my windows. Might as well listen to great tunes and get in a workout while doing this chore!
1. On the first few windows, exaggerate all the movements you make in tune with the music. If you wash to the right shimmy your hips to the right. If you go low take your whole body with you, etc.
2. Do the doors now – sliding glass or otherwise. While washing the tops do calf raises. While washing the lower part suck in your abs, squat until you feel your thigh muscles engage and hold.
3. Do 4 more regular windows while gettin’ that groove back on.
4. Now, do side leg lifts as you wash the next window – as many as you can stand. Keep count, and do an equal number on the other leg when you clean the next window.
5. Back to dancing – keep that heart rate up!
6. Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back and stretch when you are done.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fitness Me In Workout #5

Cardio Cooking

The day has gone by, and now it’s time to cook dinner with no workout in sight.
Here’s the solution: Cardio Cooking and a fabulous fish recipe from Daphne Miller, M.D., author of “The Jungle Effect.” Miller traveled the world to what she calls “cold spots,” areas where there is an unusually low number of people suffering from a particular disease such as diabetes, heart disease, depression, or colon, breast and prostate cancers. In her nutrition book she discusses what people in these areas are doing right.

HEALTHY OILS: Before I give you the recipe, I’ll give you one other healthy eating tip that Miller recently revealed at the Seasons Women’s Health Festival in Tacoma, WA. When you are wondering whether oil is healthy, put it to the “metate” test. Metate is the Tarahumara Indian word for mortar.
If you can get the oil by using a “metate” and pestle, it’s likely good (think olive oil). If not, the oil’s probably not good for you because of the way it is processed (such as corn oil). By the way, the Tarahumara live in the Copper Canyon area of Mexico, eat no processed foods, and have extremely low rates of type 2 diabetes.

Here’s your cardio cooking recipe, courtesy of Miller. It’s high in antioxidants and omega-3 oils.

Fish Sewed With Wild Greens and Leeks

2 to 2 ½ pounds delicate white fish (such as cod, sea bass, sole)
Juice of 2 lemons or ½ cup dry white wine
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground pepper
¼ cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 leeks or 1 onion, chopped
6 cups wild greens, chopped (such as Swiss chard, spinach, kale, beet greens. If using a leaf with a woody stem like chard or kale, remove stems).
2 Tablespoons chopped fresh herbs (including lemon thyme, Greek oregano, basil)


1. Marinate the fish in lemon juice, salt and pepper one hour before cooking.

2. After that’s ready, gather and prep all of your ingredients while – you guessed it – shakin' that booty to your favorite music. To prepare leeks, first wash thoroughly and remove soil and sand. Trim the rootlets and a portion of the green tops, remove the outer layer and then chop.

3. Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook garlic and leeks (or onions) until translucent, about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, do 30-40 standing side leg lifts on each side and 20-30 rear leg lifts. HOW TO DO THEM: For the side lifts, lift your leg straight out to the side until your foot is 6 to 12 inches off the floor. Slightly bend leg you are standing on and keep abs tight. At the top of the movement pause and count to 3. Return the leg to the floor. For the rear lifts, extend your leg straight back behind you, keeping your knee straight and your toes pointed down to the floor. Squeeze your buttocks as you lift. Pause at the top for count of 3 before returning leg to the floor.

4. Add the wild greens, toss, and cook until wilted. Meanwhile, suck in your abs, squat as far as you can while maintaining balance, and hold that squat. If you get shaky come up, squeeze your tush, then go back down and hold again.

5. Lay the fish over the greens, top with fresh herbs and lemon juice from marinade, cover with a lid, and turn down to simmer. Cook 15 to 18 minutes or until the fish is tender and flakes with a fork. Meanwhile, it’s back to dancing as you set the table and check on those fish. Throw in 3 sets of walking lunges as you travel from kitchen to table with your dishes, with at least 8 reps each time. HOW TO DO THEM: For proper form, view these instructions on YouTube,

TIP: If you need help balancing during any of these exercises, use a spot on your counter that is NOT right next to your burner or a chair.

Grocery Day

It’s been tough to get outside with the recent stormy weather. However, you can do your walking – and even your workout – as you shop for groceries. Don’t forget your cell phone so you can keep track of time.
This is an especially good workout to do with your kids because people will smile and think you are humoring them. My 7-year-old did this one with me and liked it so well that we completed it twice.

1. Walk sideways down one aisle, tightening the hip flexor (side of the leg) of the forward foot each time you take a step.
2. Walk forward along perimeter of store for 2 minutes
3. Walk another aisle sideways with the other leg leading.
4. Walk up and down aisles for 2 minutes
5. Now, walk backwards down one aisle, tightening your butt each time you take a step – Don’t forget to watch where you are going!
6. Walk for 2 minutes
7. Repeat the sideways walk with right leg leading down one aisle and left leg leading down the next.
8. Walk 2 more minutes.
You’re done!

Cleaning Day

It’s time for the dishwasher boogie!
1. Warm up by walking or dancing around your house for 2 minutes.
2. Now, each time you remove a dish from the bottom rack squat down to get it instead of bending over. Keep your abs tight when you squat, and reach with your arms to get the dishes instead of bending at the waist.
When you come up tighten the buttocks, and keep them tight as you walk the dish to its proper place. Release and walk back to the dishwasher.
3. Now it’s time for the top rack.
Stand sideways to the dishwasher and bend sideways using your obliques (side ab muscles) each time you retrieve a dish. Jazzercise as you bring the dish to its proper place (just joking – any version of dancing will do).
4. Close the dishwasher and do a set of walking lunges – as many as you can stand.
5. If you have time dance or walk for 2 more minutes before stretching your legs.

Play Day

I went to the library and checked the “Kids in Motion” CD by Greg & Steve. It’s got lots of silly songs that encourage kids to be active. The Tummy Tango, for example, gets kids to move their bodies in the shape of different foods. The song Animal Action gets them running around the room pretending to be different animals. My kids and I had fun with this one – and got our heart rates up! My kids loved this CD so much they did not want to return it to the library.

Groggy Day

Yoga is a great resource for days when your energy is low. Michelle Trantina, 37, co-founder of, says yoga helps you deal with stress and depleted energy.
Here’s a 15-minute Yoga routine from,21861,1334008-1576764-7,00.html

Legal junk/Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice or care of medical professionals. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, or exercise program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kudos for local acupuncturist

I'd like to give a quick kudos to Olympia's Community Acupuncture Studio, which is offering treatments on a sliding pay scale. Owner Gianna McManus also offers discounts for seniors, people who walk, bike or ride the bus and military personnel and their families.
On Veterans Day, veterans and their families will get an even better deal: McManus is joining national nonprofit organization Acupuncturists Without Borders to offer $5treatments for people who have served in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.
Acupuncture is used to treat an array of health issues, though most people think of it as a way to alleviate pain. Along with headaches and back, neck and shoulder pain, the 3,000-year-old practice can treat digestive issues, stress, depression, allergies, menstrual cramps, nausea, vomiting and numerous other conditions.
Read more in an article I wrote for The Olympian newspaper at

Fitness Me In Workout Series #4

Cardio Cooking

The day has gone by, and now it’s time to cook dinner with no workout in sight.
Here’s the solution: Cardio Cooking and Fish Sticks


1 Tb Canola oil
1 egg
2/3 c potato flakes
1 pinch salt
1 pinch cayenne pepper
2 pounds fish such as pollack, cod or haddock cut into 16 4-inch long, ½ inch wide strips

Nutrition information: Number of servings 8, Serving size 2 sticks, Calories 126, Calories from fat 24, Total fat 3 g, Saturated fat 0g, Cholesterol 75 mg, Sodium 78 mg, Carbohydrates 3g, Protein 21 g, Dietary exchange 3 very lean meat.

Copyright © American Diabetes Association. Reprinted with permission from The American Diabetes Association.

Quick note: haddock is an especially great choice because it is rich in B-vitamins, folate and iodine. It also has calcium, sulphur and zinc.

Workout Instructions

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Groove out (that means Move It, Move It as you dance) to great tunes as you prep and assemble your ingredients.
3. Grease a baking sheet with the oil. Beat the egg in a small shallow bowl, and pour the potato flakes in a pie plate or shallow bowl. Meanwhile, do side leg lifts, 10 to 15 reps on each leg.
HOW TO DO THEM: Lift your leg straight out to the side until your foot is 6 to 12 inches off the floor. Slightly bend leg you are standing on and keep abs tight. At the top of the movement pause and count to 3. Return the leg to the floor, do the other side.
4. One at a time, dip the fish fillets in the egg mixture, then dredge in the potato flakes, pressing with your fingers to help the flakes adhere. Place the fish on the prepared baking sheet. Each time you dip a fillet do a plie squat. HOW TO DO THEM: place feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and point toes out. Squat and hold before coming up. (16 reps)
5.When all of the fish are on the sheet, squat down again and pulse halfway up 16 times.
6. Sprinkle the fish with the seasoned salt and cayenne pepper. Repeat the side leg lifts – 10 to 15 reps each leg.
7. Bake, turning once, until puffy and golden, 20-25 minutes.
8. Meanwhile, shake that booty while you set the table.
9. Now is a good time to turn those fish sticks.
10. Do as many wall push-ups as you can. HOW TO DO THEM: stand about 3 feet in front of the wall. Lean forward and place hands on the wall, shoulder width apart. Push your body back. You should feel this in your chest muscles.

For more great information on recipes, calorie counts and how to cook to deal with or avoid diabetes see on the Internet.

Grocery Day

Have you been rained on yet in the parking lot of the grocery store? I have. You can do your walking – and even your workout -- inside instead of getting drenched. Don’t forget your cell phone so you can keep track of time.

1. Walk around the perimeter of the store. As you walk, take a page out of the Pilates book: inhale through your nose and expand your belly. Then exhale through your mouth and draw your belly button back to the spine.
2. Walk down one aisle with your abs tightened the whole time.
3. Walk for 2 more minutes.
4. Go down two aisles. Tighten the butt cheek of the leg you are standing on each time you take a step. You need to walk slowly and make sure you keep your abs tight so you don’t feel strain in the lower back. I did this one in a crowded aisle without anyone looking twice (just gaze at the products as you go by).
5. Go down two more aisles. Each time you take a step raise up onto your calf. It’s good to do this one holding onto a grocery cart as you go (just for balance, don’t put any weight on it). This one almost did get noticed by one lady, but I stopped and looked at some beans until she moved on.
6. Walk for 2 minutes
7. Repeat the butt cheek exercise
8. Repeat the calf exercise
9. Walk again for 2 to 4 minutes and you’re done!

At a glance:

Walk perimeter and do Pilates abs
Walk one aisle with tight abs
Walk 2 minutes
Do “butt cheek walk”
Do calf raise walk
Walk 2 minutes
Do “butt cheek walk”
Do calf raise walk
Walk 2-4 minutes

Groggy Day

On Friday, my frustration meter was about to max out. I tried this 10-minute Pilates routine designed for flexibility and relaxation and was amazed at the sense of calm I achieved. See it on YouTube:
Pilates are strengthening and stretching exercises that develop the body's core, mobilize the spine and build flexibility. I have to admit I only dabbled in Pilates out of curiosity before I suffered a foot injury last spring. However, they got me through my months in THE BOOT -- and some workouts even left me with sore muscles.

Play Day

OK – It’s getting cold and dreary out, but you don’t have to give in to the gloom. You can exercise with your kids, have fun and be a positive role model all at the same time. Talk about a multitasking mom! Today you’ll go “surfing.” To get into the mood, you’ll need a good playlist. Check out - they’ve put some lists together. Now catch a wave! I like to “swim” around the room a bit and “dive” under a few waves before surfing the pipeline. To do that, I get down, do a push-up and pop up onto the board. You can get low on that board and come up to work those thighs. It’s also fun to have a wipeout -- and if you have kids like mine, to get chased by sharks!

Cleaning Day

Sounds wacky, but combining these two “chores” can actually be fun!
1. You’ve done this before: Dancing duster – 1-2 songs. That’s right, crank the tunes or get that iPod on and dance while you dust. If you want an extra challenge this time, try balancing on one leg as you dance (keep your abs tight). Each time you walk to a new spot, tap your heel in front, bend the leg you are standing on and raise your arms (abs tight of course). Place the foot you just tapped slightly in front of the foot on the ground to move forward.
2. Pickup squats – keep that music cranked. Squat down to pick up each item that needs to be put away. Tighten your abs and butt when you come up and hold for 3 seconds before walking to the item’s proper place. Keep your butt tightened as you walk.
3. Grab your broom. Do walking lunges on the way.
4. Now it’s time to dance again while you sweep – you go girl!! Don’t for get to throw in some air guitar, some spins and maybe even some jumps. When you need to use your dustpan, have the debris pile in front of both you and the pan. Squat and sweep the debris back toward you into the pan. Stand and squeeze that butt for a count of five.
5. Do another set of walking lunges as you return the broom to its spot.
6. Don’t forget to stretch and pat yourself on the back for working in a workout!

Legal junk/Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice or care of medical professionals. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, or exercise program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Fitness Me In Workout Series #3

Cardio Cooking

Fajita Burritos

Precooked chicken from the store
1 package rice and beans mix
1 can black beans
2 bell peppers
1 onion
Sour cream
Shredded cheese
Garlic powder, salt and pepper
You’ll also need a Pyrex baking dish

OK, you know the drill – get your groove on while prepping your ingredients. Get the rice and beans going first, then cut up the chicken, onion and peppers into bite-sized pieces. Chop your cilantro.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Heat pan to med-high and spray with olive oil. Sautee your bell peppers and onion until onion is caramelized. Remove from heat and set aside. While cooking do rear leg raises. Try for 3 sets of 10 on each leg. How to do them: Abs tight, stand on one leg, knee bent slightly. Lift other leg straight back tightening your butt. Hold a moment and return foot to floor. Repeat.
Now drain and add the can of black beans to the rice and bean mix, stirring to warm the beans. Do 10 side leg raises on each side as you stir. Continue doing sets of side leg raises until rice and beans are ready. Remove from heat.
Spray your baking pan and grab your tortillas. Load each tortilla with a dab of rice and beans. Then put in chicken, peppers and onions. Add a pinch of cilantro. Roll up and place in the baking dish. Meanwhile do pile squats. How to do them: Stand a bit wider than shoulder width apart with feet at 45 degree angle. Keep tummy tight and squat so thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to standing. A good example of proper form is on You Tube at
Now mix equal amounts of sour cream and salsa together, and pour over the tortillas. Top with shredded cheese to taste. Meanwhile do calf raises.
Place in the oven and bake until cheese melts. Get back into the groove while you set the table, then enjoy the afterglow of your workout and your meal!

Grocery Day

Do 2 laps around perimeter of the store.
Do walking butt crunches down one aisle. How to do them: Drag your rear toe on the floor before you step forward, tightening butt as toe points. Go very slowly.
Walk down 4 more aisles.
Repeat butt crunches.
Walk for 2 minutes.
Find deserted aisle and do “soccer kicks” down the aisle and back. How to do them: As you step forward turn your toes out, mimicking the motion of kicking a soccer ball. You should feel this along your inner thighs.
Walk for 2 minutes with abs tight as possible. Don’t forget to breathe.
Find another aisle with no traffic. Squat down and look at something. Stand tightening your butt at the top, take a few steps and repeat. Make your way down the aisle, and try to do at least 10. TIP: You can always leave the aisle if someone comes down it and resume in another location.
Walk for 2 minutes.
Head for the cashier. During checkout tighten and release your abs as you unload your cart.

At a glance:2 laps around perimeter
Walking butt crunches
Walk 4 aisles
Repeat butt crunches
Walk 2 minutes
Soccer kicks
Walk 2 minutes with tight abs
10 squats
Walk 2 minutes
Abs at cash register

Cleaning day
Let’s mop that sticky floor!
Get out those dancing feet as you swish and slosh. I know it will be tempting to pretend you are in one of those trendy pole dancing classes, but RESIST. Your floor is wet! Instead do the 80’s dance and shake your hips.
When you are about halfway done, do sliding squats as you mop. Try for 20 reps. How to do them: Start with feet together. Step out to the right and squat. Return to center as you stand. Repeat on left.
Finish mopping as you dance.
Before you put the mop away, set it aside. Put your arms out so they are parallel to the floor and do 50 arm circles to the front and 50 arm circles to the back. Keep the circles small. Repeat.
Now put that mop away!

At a glance:
20 sliding squats
50 arm circles
50 arm circles opposite direction

Play Day
Play “Over, Under, Around and Through” with your kids. You make a pattern where you go over, under, around and through real or imaginary objects.
I like to visit the Amazon Jungle.
For example, place a body pillow (or huge boa constrictor) on the floor, straddle it and do quick steps forward to make it over.
Then you can crab walk under hanging vines full of monkeys.
Run around a huge anthill.
Go through a tangle of foliage using arm circles.
Repeat as many times as your kids want to!
You can find other examples of this game at:
Here’s one of their examples:
Over a sea of sticky peanut butter, under a cherry tree, around an ice cream cone, and through a sea of Jell-O.

Groggy Day
Here’s an 8-minute video you can follow on You Tube. NOTE: Make sure you have bare feet.
Don’t have time? Here’s a 2 minute workout you can do from your chair on You Tube!

Legal junk/Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice or care of medical professionals. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, or exercise program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Don't join these stats!

OK Ladies – let’s get moving. I just read a report that totally scared me.
Here it is: The rate of new cases of diagnosed diabetes rose by more than 90 percent among adults over the last 10 years, according new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
For you number junkies here’s the scoop: New cases of diagnosed diabetes have increased to 9.1 per 1,000 people in 2005-2007 from 4.8 per 1,000 people during 1995-1997 in 33 states.
“This dramatic increase in the number of people with diabetes highlights the increasing burden of diabetes across the country,” says lead author Karen Kirtland, Ph.D., a data analyst with CDC′s Division of Diabetes Translation. “This study demonstrates that we must continue to promote effective diabetes prevention efforts that include lifestyle interventions for people at risk for diabetes. Changes such as weight loss combined with moderate physical activity are important steps that individuals can take to reduce their risk for developing diabetes.”
I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Logen, so now I’m in the higher risk bracket.
Basically I try to eat like I’m already diabetic – which means PORTION CONTROL – most of the time in hopes that I avoid adding to these statistics (and also so I can have diet "cheat days" when I want). I also exercise, which is KEY.
Next time you make an excuse not to exercise, think about bucking this trend instead and get your rear in gear .

Firemen Walking For The Cure

These aren't moms, but you've got to love their support for moms. A group of firemen will be walking in the Susan G Komen 3-Day to raise money for fighting breast cancer in honor of one fireman's mom -- and they'll be wearing their bunking gear too! If you want to read the story, or support them, see the link on the right side of the page. After you click on the link scroll down to the pink ribbon.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mini Workouts DO Help

Don’t think these Fitness Me In mini-workouts will help out? Relax – exercising for 10 minutes at a time is fine, according to the new Physical Activity Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“Not only is it best to spread your activity out during the week, but you can break it up into smaller chunks of time during the day. As long as you're doing your activity at a moderate or vigorous effort for at least 10 minutes at a time,” according to the CDC.
Overall, the CDC recommends 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) each week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) of vigorous intensity aerobic activity.
You also should include muscle-strengthening activities two or more days a week, according to the CDC.
For more information on these guidelines check out the CDC’s Web site,
(see link at right)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fitness Me In Workout Series #2

Cardio Cooking

The day has gone by, and now it’s time to cook dinner with no workout in sight. Here’s one you can do coupled with a healthy meal that my family loves from the Meal Makeover Moms (see link at right for more info on this fantastic resource).

Have It Your Way Tacos

•1 pound lean ground beef (90% lean or higher) – or I sometimes use ground turkey.
•1 large carrot, peeled and shredded (about 1 cup) - I also shred and add a pepper and half an onion.
•12 taco shells
•One 15 1/2-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
•1 1/2 cups pre-shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese
•1 cup salsa
•2 teaspoons ground cumin
•1 teaspoon chili powder
•1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
•Optional Toppings: Diced avocado, diced tomato, shredded lettuce, reduced-fat sour cream, sliced black olives

1.Set your table while dancing to music you like.
2.Measure and prep all ingredients. Continue to groove out while you do this – wiggle your hips, do toe taps or whatever strikes your fancy.
3.Heat the oven to 350°F. Bake the taco shells according to package directions.
4.Meanwhile, place a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the meat and carrot (and onion and pepper) and cook, breaking up the large pieces, until the meat is no longer pink, about 5 minutes. Drain excess fat. While you are doing this, squat partway down, feet shoulder width apart and abs pulled in (similar to chair pose in yoga). Hold until it’s difficult (try to get 30 seconds), come up and squeeze that tushie. Now do “butt pulses” by squatting about ¼ way down, then coming up and squeezing your butt. Do 15 reps. Go back to the original squat and hold. Repeat the butt pulses. TIP: Chair Pose Instructions can be found at
5.When the meat is done, add the beans, cheese, salsa, cumin, chili powder, and garlic powder and stir to combine. Cook until the cheese melts and the mixture is heated through, about 2 minutes. While you are doing this lift your right leg out to the side 10 times, then the left. Repeat 2 times.
6.Remove pan from heat. Stretch your quads by standing on one foot and pulling heel on other leg toward buttocks. You may want to put a hand on the counter for balance. Do the other leg. Then touch your toes.
7.Serve the meat mixture in the taco shells with optional toppings.
Tip: Use a soft flour tortilla if your children find hard taco shells difficult to bite into.

Nutrition Information per Serving (for the original recipe): 360 calories, 15g fat (4.5g saturated), 530mg sodium, 32g carbohydrate, 5g fiber, 28g protein, 70% vitamin A, 10% vitamin C, 25% calcium, 15% iron

Grocery Day

Much of this week’s shopping workout will be done at home.

At the store: When you are done shopping, walk down each aisle one more time and also around the perimeter before you go to checkout. At checkout squeeze your abs each time you unload an item from your cart. TIP: The full sized grocery cart works better than the mini cart.
By the way, no long shirt necessary this week!

When you get home, bring in two bags at a time (even if you can carry more). Do bicep curls with your bags as you walk them into the house. This works especially well with an environmentally friendly organic cotton bag (hint, hint). Place the grocery bags on the floor.

Grab two canned goods or two of something else that is easily held. Do 15-30 shoulder presses. Place the items on the counter – you’ll use them again. How to do a shoulder press: Take hold of your items with an overhand grip. Your elbows are bent and your hands are next to your shoulders, fingers facing forward. Press overhead until your arms are fully extended. Make sure to push the items you are holding up and in so that they touch at the finish position. Lower slowly under control and repeat.

Unload the rest of that bag. Each time you remove an item from the bag do a squat, squeezing your butt at the top.

Go to a wall and do push-ups against it – as many as you can.

Unload the next bag doing squats again.

Grab your cans and do lateral raises. Try for 15-20. How to do them: Grasp object in front of thighs. Bend over at hips slightly with knees bent. Also bend elbows slightly. Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows' height above or equal to wrists. Hold for a second and lower.

Unload the next bag doing squats again.

Grab your cans, and do as many tricep extensions as you can. How to do them: Stand with your hips shoulder width apart. Keep the knees slightly bent. Leaning forward slightly and keep those abs tight. Lift the elbows up so they are parallel to the floor and close to your side. Your elbow should form a 90-degree angle when holding the weight. Extend backward focusing on the contraction of the tricep muscle. Hold at the top before lowering.

Put your cans and any remaining groceries away, stretch, and you are done!

At a glance:
Do extra laps around entire store before checkout
Squeeze abs when unloading cart at checkout
At home do bicep curls with 2 shopping bags at a time as you unload car
Shoulder presses
Squats while unloading bag
Wall push ups
Squats while unloading bag
Lateral raises
Squats while unloading bag
Tricep extensions

Groggy Day

Yoga is a great resource for days when your energy is low.
Subscribe to and they will send you a free yoga video to try. Do as much as you can make time for. You can also surf around the site for shorter workouts.
Kreg Weiss, instructor and co-founder for the site, said it’s often tough for moms to practice yoga – but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
“It’s unrealistic for it to be an hour and a half long and completely quiet,” he said. “How many moms have an hour and a half quiet?”
Often, not thinking that you have to do everything is the key for moms, he said.
“Even 3 minutes just doing postural chair work will help,” he said.
He admits that moms need to be both creative and organized to make this happen.
If you have an infant, there are ways to integrate yoga with mother and baby.
For toddlers, he suggests using a child’s nap time if applicable. “Ages 3 to 5 are the challenging ages,” he said, “but you can easily do a full practice in 15 minutes if you know what you are doing.”
Older kids are great – those ages 6 to 9 can start doing yoga with their parents.

Play Day
Today you’ll do the “Monkey in the Middle” dance with your kids. I found this on the Physical Ed CD by The Learning Station. You can probably find it at your local library. However, you don’t need the official song to play. You just crank your tunes, designate a “monkey” and have everyone else copy the way they dance. Encourage everyone to get crazy! The bigger the moves the better the exercise. Keep switching off. If you want to find this CD, see the link to the right.

Cleaning day

This works best with a big pile of laundry.

Dance while separating laundry by destination (e.g your room, kid 1 room, kid 2 room, etc) and then fold laundry for one room.

When you walk to and from the first room to put it away, do front leg kicks in between steps. How to do them: Raise bent knee so thigh is parallel to the floor, kick your foot so the whole leg is parallel, re-bend your knee and lower the leg.

Dance and fold laundry for another room.

On the way to the second room do rear leg lifts to and from the folding area. TIP: This is the best choice for a hallway. How to do them: Take a step, lift and straighten rear leg tightening the buttocks, and hold before stepping forward. Repeat on other side. Keep abs tight and make sure you do not arch your back.

Dance and fold laundry for another room.

On the third room do side leg lifts to and from the folding area. This is best in an open space, but can be modified for a hallway. How to do them: each time you put your foot down open the opposite leg to the side. Hold to contract. Bring the leg back next to the one with the foot on the floor. Step forward with the leg you just exercised. Repeat on the other side.

Dance and fold any remaining laundry. Continue to groove out when putting it away.

When your laundry basket is empty grab it and do front arm raises. Do 1-3 sets of 10-15 reps. OPTION: do a squat at the same time you raise your arms. How to do them: Hold sides of laundry basket so your thumbs point up. With bent knees, raise basket so your arms are parallel to the floor. Hold and lower. Repeat.

At a glance:
Dance and fold laundry
Front leg kicks
Dance and fold
Rear leg lifts
Dance and fold
Side leg lifts
Dance and fold
Front arm raises

Legal junk: Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice or care of medical professionals. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, or exercise program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Small Changes Make Big Difference

When you add them up, small changes can make a big difference in your health.
Here's one for the chilly days we're having:
Brrr – it’s getting cold and your kids want hot chocolate. Instead of buying the prefilled packets, get a no sugar added variety that comes in a cardboard can. Then, try using half the recommended amount of cocoa. Fill the cup 2/3 to 3/4 full with hot water, and fill the rest with low fat milk. If this does not work for your kids, add more cocoa until it tastes good to them (so far so good with half in my household).
Not only is this less sugar and more milk, it’s much CHEAPER than buying the packets (even if you use the full amount of cocoa). I originally used packets and split each one into 2 cups of cocoa, but my kids busted me. This way they don’t know the difference.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Of course I do!

OK, so you all want to know if I actually do these things. The answer is YES - I squeeze my butt at the grocery store and cook cardio chicken and beans. It gets my kids dancin too when they help set the table.
I will never, ever, ever post something that I have not tried myself in the Fitness Me In workouts - except maybe on April Fool's Day :) So if you are picturing me doing these things and laughing at my expense it's totally justified. Get ready for more laughs this weekend.
I should add that I do NOT work in a workout on every grocery trip or every time I cook.
I do it on days when I can't fit anything else in (that something is better than nothing theory).
Reclaiming a little time for myself makes me happier, and so does being silly. So grab a duster or a grocery cart and try it - I Double Dog Dare You!